Tuesday, 7 February 2012

I can clearly now the lines have gone

I got bored during my lunch break so decided that I would attempt to draw a clearer plan for my table framework:


  1. Excellent, welcome to the blogging!

    Is this going to stand on top of a "normal" table or are legs going to get attached to it?

    1. There will be legs but I am yet to decide in what format. I was originally going to Make them out of the same timber as the frame, using the same hinge method. But then I thought that the structure would be way too weak. At the minute I am considering column legs that screw in and out.

      Suggestions are more than welcome please! :D

  2. What are you using for the 'table' top? I went for the backing sheet you find on cheap cupboards...

    Interested to see legs implemented. I will then copy!

    And welcome... why aren't you following my blog!

    1. I AM following your blog; nummpty! :P

      I will be creating 2' square modular terrain boards. I already possess some made from chipboard but will be investing in some more so that I have options available. I want boards with rivers cut into and roads painted on, etc. Therefore I will be needing durable material that will not drop to bits or flake when I start to cut into it.
